MY HOPE Self-Defense

The Acronym MY HOPE

The acronym MY HOPE is informative and directive. The acronym is for the statement, Mushadi “person of courage” yielding human (distinguishes focus of functionality applicable for all) optimal performance empowerment. As an informative statement, MY HOPE entails keeping in mind that humans are designed to succeed on this planet. In addition, the ability to survive and thrive on this planet requires doing the work to organize your performance to achieve outcomes that empower your attitude to reinforce behaviors supportive of success and fulfillment. It is obvious to see the importance of MY HOPE as an informative statement. As a directive, MY HOPE identifies that you must be an expression of your personal initiative to reach the outcomes wanted. You must incorporate a strategy that guides your personal initiative to perform at a high level. Now that you know where you want to go, “one of courage” yielding human optimal performance empowerment requires a qualified strategy such as The MY HOPE Self-Defense Program provides.

Self-Defense is a Strategy

The informative and directive aspects of MY HOPE are both important to the well-being success of your self. The self references your authenticity as a human and the general aspect of human functioning. The authentic aspect of you includes your personality traits, character, personal specific values, and expression of insecurities. The healing authentic expression of yourself is guided by standards, affirmations, and principles that positively impact human functioning and reduce the impact of insecurities. Each person will have a unique expression, because each person was made to be unique, however the standardized human optimal performance empowerment (HOPE) standard, affirmations, principles, and stance on the basic human values support unique personal development and interpersonal communication success. Strategy is an important element in any plan that requires navigating (1) emotions (both personal and those of others), (2) competing options or alternative choices, (3) environmental constraints and restraints, and (4) personal resources such as motivation, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills.

The impactful education of the MY HOPE Self-Defense Program includes books, live question and answer seminars, GrowthShops(R), and individual, couple, and group sessions for development of a sustainable success strategy. “Each person’s sustainable success is directly related to their ability to vivify (to give life to) standards, principles, and affirmations that support the expression of one’s healing authentic identity (HAI). You must be able to vivify these standards, principles, and affirmations while facing daily challenges or trauma. Your personal optimal performance state (POPS) is not dependent upon the challenge that you face. Your POPS is dependent upon your human optimal performance empowerment (HOPE) for personal optimal performance state (POPS) courage to keep mission-driven attention and purposeful performance WHILE facing the challenge” (Success through Strategically Facing Challenges from Worthy 4 Success Mindscape Architect Publishers). This is the best do-it-yourself (DIY) program for solution-assisted support. Each person has what (s)he needs to thrive however (s)he only needs impactful education on a method to get to her/his supreme self expression.

The right strategy to achieve your wanted outcomes!