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When it comes to making decisions that take you out of your comfort zone, it can really be emotionally trying but you know it is best for your growth. It is time to change the way you get results because you want more.

To make necessary decisions that are outside of your comfort zone Currently, you actually have to confront the way that you employ your beliefs, your values and your conscience now. That does not mean that going outside of your comfort zone to face a tough decision isn’t good for you. It is good for you. You already recognize that it is good for but it will be new, different. You want and need to grow your mindset to fit the needs of who and what you are or want to be, you need to grow and expand your perception of success and how it fits your personal journey now, and you need to confront your current comfort zone to expand your ability to fulfill your purpose better, Based on your needs now. Your comfort zone, that needs updating, WAS to help you get your needs met, and to protect yourself better then, in the past.

Let’s turn the need to make tough decisions for the change you want in this season of self-use transformation Into a tool of growth and spiritual expansion and to expand the use of your beliefs, values, and purpose to truly be your healing authentic self. So stop your conscience and desire to do better from eating away at you because you won’t act on what serves your best interest!

Attempt the following process to help you make those tough decisions with confidence and enhance personal development at the same time:

first step is to Weigh the alternative. When a tough decision looms overhead to change your life, you know there’s always an alternative to what you have been doing yet not getting what you want. It’s probably simpler to go with that alternative, and save yourself the stress. But at what cost? Facing your emotions is not easy but it is simple and this is the road to expanding or modifying your comfort zone. Weigh the alternative based on how it serves your purpose and your values and whether the alternative option to what you have already done or do just requires you to be more responsible or accountable to yourself or someone else. Passing on the tough decision for the change that you want may actually go against your own morals and that may tax you more emotionally than just getting out of doing what you usually do or choose to do.

* If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll realize that the tough decision to change the way that you use yourself may be the best decision from a moral standpoint. It’s hard to go wrong when you go the moral route!

* Avoid making decisions that you know may rest on your conscience forever. You know you want better and deserve it! Going against what you know is best for you will make it difficult to live with true peace of mind.

the second step is to Consider the outcome. Usually, difficult decisions that serve to make you better, work out for the better in the end. Think about that! But what you’re worried about is may just be the WHAT IF which activates your anxiety and self-defeating thoughts. The toss up is between two glaring options. Do you continue in a less than favorable situation? Or do you decide to make a change for the better? Which does your life deserve?

* A great way to justify making a hard decision is to look at the outcome. Do you see yourself in a more positive situation after you make this decision to be more assertive toward purpose fulfillment? Can you envision life being less stressful?

* Always remember what you’re attempting to achieve in life. Make your decisions based on your goals within your purpose, whether big or small. Avoid living according to the goals of others if you want to be truly happy.

the third step is to Limit the advice you take. In some scenarios, advice is very helpful. However, in others, it can easily cloud your judgment. When making a tough decision for change, go with your purpose. It’s usually correct if you’re aligned with your purpose! Others do not know more than 1-2% of your essence, you must establish an effective personal guidance system and learn to distinguish between what is foreign to your purpose fulfillment and what is for you!

* When you start to hear several different opinions, you can get confused. Of course, you can be courteous to everyone offering their suggestion. You may want to respectfully listen to everybody who’s trying to help. But listen with one ear! The ear to your purpose! Our Getting Back on track secrets Mind Map will get you to activate your power of purpose.

* It’s possible to hear the advice and not take it to heart. It’s also possible to weigh everybody’s feedback, especially everything you see on social media, and filter the ones that aren’t helpful.

the fourth step is to Think inside of your purpose and not inside of your comfort zone. Remember that life in general tends to be uncomfortable. While you would prefer otherwise, it’s a reality you just sometimes have to face. When you prime your mind to think of discomfort and change as the norm, those tough decisions become easier. View your decision making through the lens that the highest honor is serving your purpose and the greatest treason is going against purpose fulfillment. Now,

* Nobody likes to be uncomfortable, especially for extended periods. But that’s what you’ll be if you avoid making the tough decision to act on the change that supports your sustainable success and well-being.

* If you know something is right, aim to block out all the noise and listen to your conscience not your anxiety but your inner voice of self-empowerment: dare to be who and what you are. Now, one note…

* You may end up losing friends for the decision to be your authentic self. But you may gain so much more as a result, too. Consider peace of mind, a clear conscience and genuine happiness. These can all be yours when you decide to do what’s truly best for you.

So focus on the task at hand, in this season of self-use transformation and what accomplishing it can help you achieve. If the end result of your decision betters your situation and supports your purpose, goals and conscience, then you can be confident that you’ve made a wise decision – even if it was tough.

The time is now. Thank you for listening FOR you!

And, Remember you are perfectly designed to get the results that you get.. is it time to change your mindset to change your design to get the outcomes you want in life?

As always…be well, it is truly your choice
